Never Stop Believing in Your Ideas but Keep Your Listening Ears On: Interview with Aaron Muderick, Founder and CEO of Crazy Aaron's

I recently went one-on-one with Aaron Muderick, founder and CEO of Crazy Aaron's.

Adam: Thanks again for taking the time to share your advice. First things first, though, I am sure readers would love to learn more about you. How did you get here? What experiences, failures, setbacks, or challenges have been most instrumental to your growth?

Aaron: I grew up in suburban Philadelphia. I had a father who loved tinkering and exploring new ideas.  That ethos was passed down to me. I loved computers and was completely dedicated to working in that industry.  I studied computer science in college, which fueled my curiosity even more. I landed coveted positions at Apple and Sun Microsystems in Silicon Valley.  Then I made a decision to move back to Philadelphia to be closer to my family.  Computer work in Philadelphia was different. I wasn’t pushing the envelope in ways that excited me.  I started getting bored and that boredom had me seeking out fidgety things to play with at my desk.  One of those fidgets was an old plastic egg filled with putty.  Everything changed right then!  I couldn’t put it down.  And then I discovered my coworkers were stealing little pieces for themselves.  It was the moment that changed the direction of my life.  I started Crazy Aaron’s as a hobby and only later did it become a side hustle, let alone a business.  There were many challenges: a total lack of business knowledge, no knowledge of chemistry, no experience in making consumer products, and no money.  I created hundreds of failed prototype formulations and always juggled funds to keep things running. At one point, I almost gave up on Thinking Putty. But every failure taught me something new and pushed me to keep going. Those challenges made me stronger and more creative.

Adam: How did you come up with your business idea? What advice do you have for others on how to come up with great ideas?

Aaron: One reason I pursued Thinking Putty came from my long-standing fascination with materials and their properties. I had not considered this as a career path, I was studying computers, but as a child, I remember being fascinated with liquids, powders, and gels.  I used to mix personal care products together to see what happened.  I never lost that fascination even as my life took a different direction. For great ideas, stay curious and open-minded. People think an amazing invention is this giant leap forward.  That is a misconception.  Great inventions come from connecting two unconnected dots.  It seems so obvious in retrospect yet no one sees it at the moment.  Look at different fields and rephrase your question. If I’m trying to create a building toy with sticky blocks, ask: how does a carpenter do it? What about a bridge builder? What about if I needed to do this at the bottom of the ocean?  Don’t be afraid to mix things up. The best ideas come from combining two unrelated things in novel ways. It’s a mashup game!

Adam: How did you know your business idea was worth pursuing? What advice do you have on how to best test a business idea?

Aaron: When I caught my coworkers stealing my putty, I knew it wasn’t just me.  When I did an office pool to buy 100lb of putty, it sold out and the next day people were hounding me to get in on the game. Friends and family are where you start.  You must listen to their feedback but, more than that, you must watch their body language, behavior, and actions.  When they kept coming back for more, I knew they weren’t just humoring me. My advice is to start small and get your idea in front of people. Figure out baby steps to bring your idea to life.  Even if that means you won’t make any profit at the beginning.  Listen to what they say and make improvements. My computer science background taught me that the iterative approach is best.  You aren’t as smart as you think.  You have to try a little, get feedback, and then try again.

Adam: What are the key steps you have taken to grow your business? What advice do you have for others on how to take their businesses to the next level?

Aaron: Growing Crazy Aaron’s involved a lot of sweat and hard work while staying true to our mission: delivering quality products that generate wonder and excitement. For 4 years, every dollar earned was reinvested in the business.  That is how I was able to grow from an initial investment of $800 in materials to today.  I invested in product development, built a strong brand identity, and used social media to connect with people. We also formed partnerships and attended trade shows. My advice is to focus on what makes your business unique, keep innovating, and listen to your customers. Treat all people with respect and develop your reputation as an honest dealer.

Adam: What are your best sales and marketing tips?

Aaron: Build genuine relationships with your customers and create engaging content. Our relationship with retail buyers is so important, but we have to remember, they are not the actual customers.  They can put the product on shelves, but if consumers don’t buy it, we will be gone next season.  Use social media to show the fun.  Put fun first even if your product has educational, medical, or practical benefits. Don’t hesitate to share user-generated content and testimonials. Collaborate with influencers and other brands to reach more people. And always prioritize customer satisfaction.  Today, our monthly complaints are less than 0.01% of units sold. We meet every month to drive that number even lower because I’m always worried about the unsatisfied people who don't bother to complain. It is so important to me for my customers to be happy, long-term advocates for my brand.

Adam: In your experience, what are the defining qualities of an effective leader? How can leaders and aspiring leaders take their leadership skills to the next level?

Aaron: Effective leaders have a clear vision, are empathetic, and can bounce back from setbacks. They inspire their teams and make everyone feel valued. Leaders eat last, literally and figuratively.  It is important to embrace that for long-term success.  To improve your leadership skills, keep learning, find mentors early, and step out of your comfort zone. Lead by example and embrace challenges as opportunities to grow.

Adam: What is your best advice on building, leading, and managing teams?

Aaron: Focus on creating a positive and inclusive culture. Hire people who share your passion, challenge you to grow, and complement your strengths. Communicate clearly, set expectations, and support your team. Celebrate successes and learn from failures together. Build a culture where it is ok to try and fail — depending on where people have come from, it may take some time for them to learn you’ll support this. A smart, motivated team is the foundation of any successful business. Don’t be afraid to take a step to the side, as I did, and hire professional management who shares your values.  Recognize when the needs of your business are keeping you from doing the things you are best at.

Adam: What are your three best tips applicable to entrepreneurs, executives, and civic leaders?

Aaron: 1. Stay curious and keep learning. 2. Build genuine relationships and network with others. 3. Lead with purpose and stay true to your values.

Adam: What is the single best piece of advice you have ever received?

Aaron: Embrace failure as a stepping stone to success. Every setback is a chance to learn and grow, and it’s helped me stay resilient and persistent.

Adam: Is there anything else you would like to share?

Aaron: The journey of entrepreneurship is filled with ups and downs. If your goal is to get rich (financially), there are easier ways.  If you are so passionate about an idea that it’s all you want to do, entrepreneurship might be for you.  Surround yourself with supportive people in life as well as work. Stay true to your vision. Never stop believing in your ideas but keep your listening ears on. Keep pushing the boundaries, and you might just create something amazing.

Adam Mendler is an entrepreneur, writer, speaker, educator, and nationally recognized authority on leadership. Adam is the creator and host of the business and leadership podcast Thirty Minute Mentors, where he goes one-on-one with America's most successful people - Fortune 500 CEOs, founders of household name companies, Hall of Fame and Olympic gold medal-winning athletes, political and military leaders - for intimate half-hour conversations each week. A top leadership speaker, Adam draws upon his insights building and leading businesses and interviewing hundreds of America's top leaders as a top keynote speaker to businesses, universities, and non-profit organizations. Adam has written extensively on leadership and related topics, having authored over 70 articles published in major media outlets including Forbes, Inc. and HuffPost, and has conducted more than 500 one on one interviews with America’s top leaders through his collective media projects. Adam teaches graduate-level courses on leadership at UCLA and is an advisor to numerous companies and leaders. A Los Angeles native, Adam is a lifelong Angels fan and an avid backgammon player.

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Adam Mendler