Perseverance and Relentlessness: Interview with Evan Gappelberg, CEO of Nextech AR

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I recently went one on one with Evan Gappelberg. Evan is the CEO of Nextech AR, a leading provider of augmented reality and virtual experience technologies and services for 3D ads, eCommerce, education and conferences.

Adam: Thanks again for taking the time to share your advice. First things first, though, I am sure readers would love to learn more about you. ​How did you get here? ​What experiences, failures, setbacks or challenges have been most instrumental to your growth? 

Evan: My journey to achieve success has been a long and winding road. I started on Wall Street in 1987 and watched the stock market crash in the first 30 days of arriving. I remember thinking was over before it really began? Fortunately, things on Wall Street have a way of recovering and the market quickly recovered. The 87’ market crash taught me that nothing is permanent, life and markets are in a constant state of flux. Life will hand you wins and losses and it’s up to you to just keep moving forward and never give up on the down days no matter how dark they may seem.

I’m a serial entrepreneur at heart and very comfortable in the CEO role of startups. Earlier in my career, I took Take Two Interactive Software public, which was a huge win with the stock pricing going from $5 to $205. I have managed several hedge funds and built several successful private businesses from scratch. Along the way I managed to travel the world, set up manufacturing in China, invent the first LED light-up toy and license-sell it to Disney and Universal Studios and many others.  More recently I created an app development company that launched over 500 apps, creating a new app genre and founded Nextech AR Solutions, a leader in the multi-billion dollar fast-growing Augmented Reality market. 

Perseverance and relentlessness are two of the driving factors which have contributed to my success. I’ve had many failures but that’s what happens when you are a risk-taker - risk-reward, giving up is not an option!

Adam: In your experience, what are the key steps to growing and scaling your business? 

Evan: Speaking from experience, the number one step to scale is to move quickly, dive-in and get started, even if it’s not fully baked or “perfect.” Small successes lead to bigger ones. Keep thinking about scaling but in the early days it’s okay to just hit singles and doubles. Think of that as the warmup so that you can understand the market and be ready when the big wave of business shows up. 

What is your best advice on building, leading and managing teams? 

Evan: Build a team of “runners” - those who are fast learners/over-achievers who have had some form of success in life or business already. Exceptional leaders should have the clarity of who they are and be able to lead with conviction, in addition to making sure their team’s goals are clear across the board without micromanaging. 

Adam: What are the most important trends in technology that leaders should be aware of and understand? 

Evan: Technology touches everything and nowadays every company is becoming a tech company in one way or another. COVID-19 has been a huge accelerator of digital technology trends and leaders must understand that they need to innovate, they need something truly unique to sell. Today, every technology solution or service needs to be able to operate in a mobile, virtual world in order to bring value to customers. Leaders should look closely at scalable, reliable tools and platforms that can support business objectives and customer/client services in virtual environments and also provide value for hybrid and in-person activities down the road.  

Adam: What do you believe are the defining qualities of an effective leader? 

Evan: In my opinion, the best leaders are those who are extremely experienced and knowledgeable about their business while also being adaptable. They should be able to know when to take a step back and let others lead for a change of perspective. 

Adam: How can leaders and aspiring leaders take their leadership skills to the next level? 

Evan: Next level leadership requires continuous learning to keep up with their respective field as well as constant self-discovery and development.

Adam: What are your three best tips applicable to entrepreneurs, executives and civic leaders? 


  1. Nothing is impossible.

  2. Team building is key.

  3. Stay hungry and passionate or it may be time to leave the building.

Adam: What are your best tips on the topics of sales, marketing and branding? 

Evan: Sales are everything and marketing is more critical than anything after sales. A strong brand is worth its weight in gold or in today’s world... Bitcoin!

Adam: What is the single best piece of advice you have ever received?

Evan: Life is a limited-time-offer, so live deliberately!   

Adam: Is there anything else you would like to share? (optional)

Evan: I’m a firm believer in the “conceive, believe, achieve” mentality - give birth to your dream, believe in it as strongly as you believe the world is round and don’t stop until you’ve achieved your dream. 

Adam Mendler is the CEO of The Veloz Group, where he co-founded and oversees ventures across a wide variety of industries. Adam is also the creator and host of the business and leadership podcast Thirty Minute Mentors, where he goes one on one with America's most successful people - Fortune 500 CEOs, founders of household name companies, Hall of Fame and Olympic gold medal winning athletes, political and military leaders - for intimate half-hour conversations each week. Adam has written extensively on leadership, management, entrepreneurship, marketing and sales, having authored over 70 articles published in major media outlets including Forbes, Inc. and HuffPost, and has conducted more than 500 one on one interviews with America’s top leaders through his collective media projects. A top leadership speaker, Adam draws upon his insights building and leading businesses and interviewing hundreds of America's top leaders as a top keynote speaker to businesses, universities and non-profit organizations.

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Adam Mendler