Adam Mendler

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Give People Room to Run: Interview with Marc Washington, Founder and CEO of Supergut

I recently went one on one with Marc Washington, founder and CEO of Supergut.

Adam: Thanks again for taking the time to share your advice. First things first, though, I am sure readers would love to learn more about you. ​How did you get here? ​What experiences, failures, setbacks, or challenges have been most instrumental to your growth? 

Marc: Thank you for having me, Adam. It's a broad question, but I'll do my best to explain. I'm primarily an entrepreneur and health and wellness executive. I started my own business called Supergut, which focuses on gut health, about four years ago. What makes my journey unique is that I became an entrepreneur later in life compared to many others who start right after college or graduate school. Initially, I pursued a more traditional career path in professional services, specifically in management consulting at McKinsey and Company. During this time, I was exploring different options and knew that problem-solving was my passion, but I hadn't yet figured out the specific direction I wanted to take in the business world.

Consulting served as a perfect starting point for my career because it allowed me to utilize my problem-solving skills and gain exposure to various industries. It was an opportunity for me to learn more about myself and the different sectors, helping me determine the path I wanted to pursue. After my consulting experience, I transitioned into general management. I discovered my love for consumer products, particularly those related to health, wellness, and better living. Aligning my career with my personal passion has been a key lesson for me. When you work on something that deeply connects with your own interests, it never feels like work.

In my second career phase, I worked in general management roles in a healthy nutrition company called Wonderful Company, specializing in healthy food and beverages. Later, I joined Beachbody as their President and COO, where they focused on fitness and supplements. I also had the opportunity to run a supplement company called Irwin Naturals. Throughout these experiences, I observed successful entrepreneurs and took note of their strategies and achievements in a field I am passionate about. It gradually occurred to me that I could pursue a similar path and make my mark in the industry. While I admired certain aspects of their approaches, I also envisioned doing things differently if I were in charge. I desired to have more control and influence over the direction of the business, hence the internal motivation to become an entrepreneur.

My decision to embark on this entrepreneurial journey was further fueled by a personal story. My sister Monique battled with her health and sadly passed away at a young age. This deeply affected me and ignited a fire within me to make a difference. Over time, this motivation grew stronger, eventually culminating in a significant moment where my head and heart aligned. It was then that I realized I wanted to create a business, even at this later stage in my life and career, that could truly revolutionize the health industry. This idea gave birth to Supergut, which I founded approximately three and a half years ago."

Adam: In your experience, what are the key steps to growing and scaling your business?

Marc: One of the defining aspects of my approach to business is my focus on products. This mindset was shaped by my early career experiences and the diverse businesses I've been a part of. Regardless of the industry or business type, the common thread that ran through them all was the importance of creating exceptional products. I firmly believe in delivering something unique, functional, and valuable to consumers—a product that truly stands out and elicits genuine love and satisfaction. Investing in the development of a solid product has always been ingrained in me right from the beginning. It forms the foundation of my business thinking.

While others may approach business from different angles, such as brand, marketing, or concept, I always start with the product. My goal is to create something that is groundbreaking, that wows people, and provides an unexpected level of happiness, experience, or functionality. That's where I find my footing and begin to build upon it when envisioning a business.

However, having a great product alone is not enough to achieve success. Another crucial element, which I've learned from my experiences, is establishing a deep connection and engagement with customers. It's not just about solving their problems but also about truly understanding and relating to them on a personal level. I strive to get inside their heads and hearts, discovering what motivates them and how my product can enhance their lives. Effectively engaging with customers is vital for scaling a business and achieving long-term growth.

Furthermore, I want to emphasize the significance of building a strong team. While this notion is commonly acknowledged, I genuinely believe in the collective value of a team. This belief stems from my background as a former athlete, where I learned the importance of a collective mindset and working together to achieve significant goals. Even before entering the business world, this mentality was ingrained in me. Throughout my professional journey, I have consistently invested in people and surrounded myself with talented individuals who share aligned incentives. Together, we strive to accomplish remarkable things. The power of a high-quality, well-aligned team cannot be overstated.

In summary, these are some of the key principles that guide me in building a business with the potential to scale: an unwavering focus on exceptional products, genuine customer engagement and understanding, and the recognition of the collective strength and value of a high-caliber team.

Adam: What qualities do you believe define an effective leader?

Marc: To start with the first defining quality of an effective leader: ambition and aspiration. A great leader must have a strong desire to achieve big things, not merely going through the motions but having significant, ambitious goals in mind. This is the foundation of effective leadership.

The second quality, which ties into the importance of teamwork, is the ability to motivate others. A successful leader can align and inspire those around them, whether they are employees, investors, or partners, to work together towards a common objective. Motivation plays a crucial role in bringing out the best in people. Personally, I find that leading by example is a powerful approach. Instead of simply giving orders or telling others what to do, demonstrating the desired actions and outcomes is more effective. By showcasing success, hard work, and how to drive towards a goal, leaders can tap into multiple senses and provide a clear vision for others to emulate.

Lastly, a quality that has stood out to me throughout my experiences working with successful entrepreneurs is a complete lack of complacency. This trait is particularly prevalent among entrepreneurs and has been a key factor in their success. They are never satisfied with a mere sense of accomplishment; they always strive for more and aim higher. This inner drive and continuous improvement mentality are crucial for leaders, especially for entrepreneurs. They reject complacency and are always seeking new challenges and opportunities for growth.

In summary, the defining qualities of an effective leader include ambition and aspiration, the ability to motivate and inspire others through leading by example, and a persistent lack of complacency, always striving for continuous improvement and greater achievements.

Adam: How can leaders and aspiring leaders take their leadership skills to the next level?

Marc: I start first with what it is that you're trying to solve and making sure that you and your business, your team are really focused on solving a problem that needs to be solved that someone on the other end, a customer, cares about. And that a lot of times it does go back to the product, right actually, not just like having a great product, like a hammer, looking for a nail and figuring out how we can sell this thing. But I like to go the other way around, like what is the problem we're trying to solve and creating and providing a product that fills that gap. And making sure you and the team are oriented in that direction is the first thing that comes to mind.

I'd say another one that's really came to me. I think this is something that I learned early on in my career, and I think it's helped me progress over time. As you look to advance, having that leadership mentality even before you are in the role, I think is a key element of growing into a leadership position. One of the ways of doing that is to literally think, "If I was in that position, what would I want to see delivered? What kind of information would I want to receive from those in my team, you know, in the position that you're actually in, right?" So trying to put that hat on. And with the end result, if you are really, really successful with that, a mentality that I had was, "Okay, what can I do in my role that can actually make my boss's life easier?" To provide information or solve a problem to take things off of his or her plate, that is value-added to them. I found that just having that mentality, not just thinking from my position in my role, but trying to think ahead about what, you know, is, what will be the most well-received on the other end, I think that really helped me excel in my roles and, frankly, position me for continued growth and promotions over time. And, and frankly, that's something that I look for now, right, in a leadership position, as a hiring manager, building teams, you know, you look for people that have that trait and that quality, that call it that ownership mentality. So it's not just punching a clock and doing a job, but it's folks that literally are going to go above and beyond and kind of elevate you. I call it to be a force multiplier, right? That is going to help you get the best out of yourself. Like that is an absolute characteristic that I look for in people that have real potential to be leaders.

Adam: What are your three best tips applicable to entrepreneurs, executives, and civic leaders? 

Marc: I believe it's important to surround yourself with highly talented and capable individuals who also possess strong emotional intelligence and collaborative skills. While capability is crucial, it's equally important to ensure that team members can work well together and foster a positive working environment. Building a team requires careful consideration of both talent and collaboration.

Another aspect to consider is the organizational culture. I've witnessed firsthand how a strong and engaged culture can drive success. When everyone in the team is aligned and motivated, they can tap into their full potential and commit wholeheartedly to the business. On the other hand, a lack of a positive culture can hinder progress, even with exceptional products and opportunities. Culture is often the invisible force behind a business's success or failure.

As a leader, it's your responsibility to create, develop, and nurture the culture within your team and organization. Investing in cultivating a healthy and supportive culture is essential because it can significantly impact your overall success. Protecting and shaping the culture should be a priority, as it influences the collective performance and outcomes of the team.

In summary, building a high-performing team involves seeking talented individuals who are also collaborative and possess strong emotional intelligence. Additionally, fostering a positive organizational culture is vital for achieving long-term success.

Adam: What are your three best tips applicable to entrepreneurs, executives, and civic leaders?

Marc: Yeah, so I've shared a couple of them already. I think another important tip is to surround yourself with highly talented and capable individuals. As an entrepreneur, executive, or civic leader, it's crucial to have a team of skilled individuals who can contribute to the success of your endeavors. However, it's important to consider not only their capabilities but also their emotional intelligence (EQ) and their ability to collaborate effectively. Building a team of both capable and collaborative individuals is key to achieving your goals.

Another tip to keep in mind is the importance of cultivating a strong organizational culture. I've witnessed firsthand how a positive and engaged culture can be a driving force behind a business's success. When everyone in the organization shares a common vision and works together towards a shared goal, it can unlock higher levels of commitment and performance. On the other hand, neglecting the development of a healthy culture can hinder a business's progress, no matter how great its products or opportunities may be. As a leader, it is your responsibility to actively create, nurture, and protect a positive culture within your business or team.

Lastly, I would emphasize the need for continuous investment in personal and professional growth. As an entrepreneur, executive, or civic leader, it's essential to stay updated with industry trends, expand your knowledge, and develop new skills. This can be achieved through various means, such as attending relevant conferences and workshops, seeking mentorship, reading books, or engaging in continuous learning opportunities. By continuously investing in your own growth, you can adapt to changing circumstances, bring innovative ideas to the table, and position yourself for long-term success in your leadership role.

Adam: What is your best advice on building, leading, and managing teams?

Marc: Absolutely, I have a few key pieces of advice when it comes to building, leading, and managing teams. Firstly, it starts with attracting, managing, nurturing, and retaining high-caliber talent. Throughout my career, I have prioritized working closely with talented individuals and building strong relationships. A sign of effective leadership is when you have people who have worked with you on multiple occasions, both as an employee and as an executive. This demonstrates your ability to manage and lead teams successfully.

Secondly, I believe in leading by example and being actively involved in the team's work. Rather than adopting a top-down management approach, I encourage leaders to roll up their sleeves and actively participate in the tasks at hand. Leading from the front and demonstrating your commitment and work ethic can inspire and motivate the team to perform at their best.

Additionally, I prefer to motivate and incentivize through positive reinforcement rather than using a punitive approach. Focusing on the positive outcomes we aim to achieve and recognizing and rewarding individuals for their contributions creates a more sustainable and scalable motivational environment. By emphasizing the importance of performance and respect, team members are more likely to be intrinsically motivated to excel, rather than being driven by fear.

Lastly, I have learned the value of giving people room to run. As you transition from an individual contributor to a leader, it becomes crucial to shift your focus from solely achieving outcomes yourself to getting things done through others. It is essential to surround yourself with capable individuals, empower them, and allow them to take ownership of their work. This approach fosters a sense of agency and enables the team to achieve better results through leverage, rather than relying solely on your own efforts.

In summary, building, leading, and managing teams successfully involves attracting talented individuals, leading by example, motivating through positive reinforcement, and giving team members autonomy and ownership over their work. These principles have guided me throughout my career and have proven effective in achieving collective success.

Adam: What are your best tips on sales, marketing, and branding?

Marc: Certainly! I have a few key tips when it comes to sales, marketing, and branding. Firstly, I believe that storytelling and content creation are crucial competencies for business leaders, especially entrepreneurs. The ability to tell a compelling story and engage your audience through narratives is more important than traditional direct selling techniques. When you master the art of storytelling, your message sells itself, creating a deeper connection with your audience.

Additionally, leveraging social proof is a powerful strategy. Instead of solely relying on your brand's messaging, tap into social proof to build credibility. This can be achieved through word-of-mouth referrals, customer testimonials, online reviews, and press coverage. By showcasing the positive experiences and endorsements from others, you strengthen your brand's credibility and instill trust in potential customers.

Lastly, I encourage creating a community around your product or service to cultivate a sense of belonging and engagement. It's not just about acquiring customers but turning them into evangelists. When customers feel a personal connection to your brand and identify with it on a deeper level, they become loyal advocates. Building a community allows customers to connect with like-minded individuals, fostering a sense of collective spirit. This community can provide support, contribute to customer service efforts, and generate organic momentum for your business.

In summary, focus on storytelling and content creation, leverage social proof to build credibility, and foster a sense of community to transform customers into brand evangelists. These strategies can help enhance your sales, marketing, and branding efforts, leading to long-term success for your business.

Adam: What is the single best piece of advice you have ever received?

Marc: The single best piece of advice I have received is to trust my gut. Throughout my life, I have always strived for high performance and had high expectations of myself. I used to meticulously gather all the information and conduct extensive research before making any decision. However, as I grew as a leader and especially as an entrepreneur, I realized that I couldn't always have all the information or time to conduct thorough research for every decision.

Trusting my gut and making decisions based on my instincts became crucial. It involves considering the available insights, information from my team, and industry benchmarks, but ultimately relying on my judgment and intuition. As an entrepreneur, I make numerous decisions daily, and many times, the information available may not present a complete picture.

Trusting my gut allows me to make well-informed decisions under uncertainty and take action with a bias towards action. It's about taking in all the pieces of information I have, making the best decision I can, and moving forward. My experiences and the lessons I've learned over time have given me the confidence to trust my gut and feel good about the outcomes, even without conducting exhaustive research for every decision.

This advice has been reinforced by those around me, including my wife, who reminds me that my experiences and knowledge grant me the ability to trust my instincts. It's a valuable lesson that has served me well in my entrepreneurial journey.

Adam: Is there anything else you would like to share?

Marc: In the health and wellness industry, it's essential to prioritize the scientific foundation of our products. By focusing on the science behind our offerings, we can ensure that they provide real value and functional benefits to consumers.

To achieve this, I believe in surrounding myself with experts who possess strong backgrounds in science and technology. By assembling a team of the best and brightest in their respective fields, we can collaborate to create products that truly deliver on their promises. This emphasis on science not only helps differentiate our businesses but also enables us to make a more significant impact on public health and wellness.

For me, the ultimate goal is not just to grow a business but to actively contribute to improving people's health and empowering them to have better control over their well-being. By grounding our products in sound scientific principles, we can build trust and credibility in the health and wellness space.

While this approach is particularly relevant to the health and wellness industry, I believe it holds value in other areas as well. Emphasizing efficacy and investing in the technical and scientific aspects of our work can benefit any business striving to provide high-quality products or services.

Adam Mendler is an entrepreneur, writer, speaker, educator, and nationally-recognized authority on leadership. Adam is the creator and host of the business and leadership podcast Thirty Minute Mentors, where he goes one on one with America's most successful people - Fortune 500 CEOs, founders of household name companies, Hall of Fame and Olympic gold medal-winning athletes, political and military leaders - for intimate half-hour conversations each week. A top leadership speaker, Adam draws upon his insights building and leading businesses and interviewing hundreds of America's top leaders as a top keynote speaker to businesses, universities, and non-profit organizations. Adam has written extensively on leadership and related topics, having authored over 70 articles published in major media outlets including Forbes, Inc. and HuffPost, and has conducted more than 500 one on one interviews with America’s top leaders through his collective media projects. Adam teaches graduate-level courses on leadership at UCLA and is an advisor to numerous companies and leaders. A Los Angeles native, Adam is a lifelong Angels fan and an avid backgammon player.

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